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前言 Foreword


编者的话 Editor's Note


11. 整窝交换




A Litter Of Vigorous Piglets Can Start Lactation Of A Sow That Has Stopped.

1. 如果整窝仔猪都显示出生长受阻,则需将它们转 移至泌乳良好的母猪处。

If an entire litter is showing signs of reduced growth, move them to a sow with a good milking capacity.

2. 接受这窝仔猪的母猪已经哺乳过的仔猪必须大且 均匀度高。

The sow receiving the litter must have nursed large, uniform piglets.

3. 接受这窝猪的母猪应该是胎次较低的母猪。

The sow receiving the litter should be a young sow.

4. 直接交换两窝仔猪,换言之,保证两头母猪一直 都在哺乳仔猪。.

Exchange litters directly, i.e. make sure that neither sow is without piglets at any time.

5. 交换的两窝仔猪头数必须相同。

The sows exchanging litters must have an equal number of piglets.

6. 交换后,特别关注生长受阻的那窝仔猪,例 如,安装一个保温灯。

After the exchange, pay special attention to the litter with reduced growth, for instance install a heat lamp.

7. 不要调整交换仔猪的母猪的投料量。

Do not adjust the feed dose of the sows in connection with the exchange of litters.



Exchange Failed If

1. 交换进行的太迟,生长受阻的仔猪太弱小, 所以难以哺育。

The exchange took place too late, and the piglets with reduced growth are too weak to nurse.

2. 仔猪生长受阻那窝的母猪生病。

The sow whose litter had reduced growth has become sick.

3. 生长受阻的仔猪生病。

Piglets in the litter with reduced growth have become sick.

4. 母猪俯卧或站立的时间过久,仔猪得不到哺 乳。

The sow lies stern ally much of the time or stands up a lot so that the piglets are kept from nursing

5. 仔猪烦躁不安—可能是由于母猪拒绝哺乳。

The piglets are agitated - possibly because the sow refuses to let them nurse.


This litter was moved too late, and the piglets are too weak to manage, which will increase mortality.


Successful exchange of an entire litter with reduced growth.



Additional Comments - Exchange Of Litters

在整窝交换之前,确保所有其它的状况都井然有序(参见,例如14 - 产房的管理;15 -母猪的疾病及治疗和16 - 仔猪的疾病及治疗)。

Before exchanging litters, make sure that all other conditions are in order (see, for instance, 14 - Supervision of the farrowing facility; 15 - Disease and treatment of sows; and 16 - Disease and treatment of piglets).

一般只在分娩后的第一周或第二周才进行整窝交 换。当整窝或大多数仔猪生长受阻时,才进行整 窝交换。如果一窝中只有少数仔猪生长受阻,参见12-生长受阻仔猪的寄养母猪。

Often, exchange of litters is only necessary in the first or second week after farrowing. Two litters are exchanged when the entire litter/the majority of the litter is suffering from reduced growth. If only few piglets in a litter suffer from reduced growth, see 12 - Foster sow for piglets with reduced growth.

接受生长受阻仔猪的母猪泌乳性能良好很重要, 这样弱小仔猪就可迅速摄入乳汁。均匀度好的较 大仔猪交换到泌乳量低的母猪处,会刺激母猪泌乳。

It is essential that the sow given the litter with reduced growth has a high milk yield so that the weak piglets are offered milk quickly. Consequently, the large uniform piglets that are moved to the sow with reduced milk yield start nursing quickly thereby stimulating the milk production of the sow.


Young sows are quick to accept a new litter.


Time is essential as piglets with reduced growth cannot handle further setbacks. Check that they start nursing as they are not always strong enough to stimulate the new sow to a high milk yield


The entire litter is moved - the piglets will then not have to form a new hierarchy. It is therefore important that the two sows exchanging litters have an equal number of functional teats.

对于仔猪而言,适宜的环境至关重要。参见13-仔 猪的环境;23-仔猪的饲喂。

It is vital that the piglets have an optimum environment. See13 - The environment of the piglets; 23 - Feeding of piglets.

整窝交换的当天不要降低两窝母猪的投料量。尤 其是交换后的2天内注意母猪的采食量。如果接 收生长受阻仔猪的母猪未能开始哺乳,有必要将 这窝仔猪移至寄养母猪处。参见12-生长受阻仔猪 的寄养母猪。

Do not reduce the feed dose of the two sows exchanging litters on the day of the exchange. Keep an eye on the feed intake of the sows - especially the first two days after the exchange. If the sow that gave up the litter with reduced growth fails to start lactating, it may be necessary to move the litter to a foster sow. See 12 - Foster sow for piglets with reduced growth.




一窝仔猪中不可避免的总有些仔猪不能长的像其它的仔猪一样很健壮。最好将这些 弱仔猪集中进行寄养。

It Is Inevitable That Some Piglets Do Not Grow As Well As The Rest Of The Litter. It Is An Advantage To Move These To A Foster Sow.

1. 寄养母猪养育那些在自己窝里吃不到奶的仔猪。

A foster sow rears piglets that cannot manage in their own litter.

2. 寄养母猪应该是泌乳性能好,母性较强的母猪, 其生长发育良好的仔猪已经转移到保育舍。

A foster sow is a well-functioning sow that has weaned uniform thriving piglets that have been moved to the weaner facility.

3. 寄养母猪可以是准备淘汰的母猪。

A foster sow may be a sow about to be culled.

4. 减少寄养母猪 2 个母猪饲料单位的饲喂量。

Reduce the feed dose of the foster sow by 2 FUsow.

5. 在仔猪生长停滞之前转移至寄养母猪处。

Move the piglets to a foster sow before they stop growing.

6. 确保寄养母猪接受这些仔猪。

Make sure that the foster sow accepts the piglets.

7. 不要将个头小的但健康的仔猪进行寄养。

Do not use a foster sow for small, but healthy, piglets.


Sick piglet that should not be moved


Hungry piglet that should be moved to a foster sow



Do Not Move

1. 生病的仔猪,因为它们会感染其它仔猪。取而代之的是,治疗生病的仔猪,并且提供初 乳。

A sick piglet as it will infect other piglets. Instead, treat the piglet and provide colostrum.

2. 个头虽小,但仍在生长的健康仔猪。如果寄养会打乱两窝仔猪对应的吃奶顺序。

Healthy piglets if they are small, but still growing. That disturbs the teat order in the litter they are moved from and in the litter they are moved to.

3. 如果仔猪在寄养后,不能够同其它的仔猪同 时断奶,则将该仔猪转移给另一头寄养母 猪。

A piglet to yet another foster sow if the piglet is not ready to be weaned at the same time as the other piglets of the foster sow.



Additional Comments - Foster Sow For Piglets With Reduced Growth

对于何时需要寄养母猪要有一个大致的概念。如 在仔猪显示出生长受阻迹象的对应母猪卡上夹一 个晾衣夹,当晾衣夹的数目和寄养母猪能哺育的 仔猪的头数一致时,可以安排该寄养母猪。密切 注意生长受阻的仔猪并及时安排寄养母猪。

Form a general idea of when to prepare a foster sow. Place a clothes-peg on the sow cards where piglets are showing signs of reduced growth. Make the foster sow when the number of clothes-pegs corresponding to the number of piglets it can manage have been used. Pay close attention to piglets with reduced growth to make sure the foster sow is made in time.


A foster sow must be healthy, have an appropriate body condition score, no shoulder lesions and no leg injuries.

寄养母猪也可以是即将淘汰的体况较好的母猪。 如果寄养母猪即将淘汰,那么其在产房中发情对 于猪群批次的管理毫无影响。就生产力而言,使 用青年母猪作为“奶妈”母猪更具优势,因此很 少有足够的青年母猪可用作寄养母猪。

A foster sow can also be a sow in appropriate body condition about to be culled. A foster sow may come on heat in the farrowing facility, which is of no importance for batch management if the foster sow is about to be culled. In terms of productivity, it is an advantage to use young sows as nurse sows, and there will therefore rarely be enough young sows to be able to use them as foster sows also.

降低寄养母猪2个母猪饲料单位的饲喂量,从而 防止母猪发情和停止采食。密切关注寄养母猪的采食量并在寄养后的第一天检查其是否患乳房炎。

Reduce the sow’s feed dose by 2 feed units to prevent the sow from coming on heat and from stopping eating. Pay close attention to the feed intake of the foster sow and examine for mastitis the first days after making the foster litter.


Starvation is often the cause of reduced growth among piglets, and the foster sow must therefore be made quickly, particularly in the first week after farrowing. After the first week, disease or malfunctioning teats are.

如果寄养1天后,仔猪焦躁不安或母猪站立或俯卧太久,则说明寄养母猪还未接受这些仔猪。寄养母猪还可能会停滞泌乳。考虑进行整窝交换。参见11- 整窝交换。

If the piglets are agitated, and the sow stands up or lies stern ally a lot of the time after 24 hours, it could be that the foster sow has not accepted the litter. It is also a possibility that the foster sow has stopped. Consider exchanging litters. See 11 - Exchange of litters.

每窝仔猪均匀度参差不齐。没必要将在原来窝中 健康生长只是个头比其它猪小的仔猪寄养。

The piglets in a litter may be of differing sizes. Do not move the piglets if they thrive and grow in the original litter, but are just smaller than the rest of the litter.

