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前言 Foreword


编者的话 Editor's Note


5. 分娩管理




In Due Time, Take Care Of Sows And Piglets That Encounter Problems.


Check for milk in the udder, swollen labia and mucus from the vagina as indications of impending farrowing.


Inspect the sow every hour during farrowing as a minimum.


Note the number of piglets born at the time of inspection.

在分娩过程中,前4头仔猪间隔最长需要2小时, 两头仔猪的分娩间隔时间最长为1小时。如果已 出生的仔猪身上都干了,而母猪却表现出还在继 续分娩,则应实施人工助产。

There should be max. 2 hours between the first 4 piglets and max. 1 hour between the next piglets. Perform obstetric aid if all piglets in the litter are dry and the sow seems to be expecting more piglets.


Help small or weak piglets get to the udder and ensure they start taking in colostrum. If necessary, place them under the heat lamp to warm them.


Assess whether the farrowing process is complete. If in doubt, examine the birth canal.

评估母猪的健康状况。触摸母猪的乳腺,查看是 否有硬块,观察母猪的行为。

Examine the health of the sow. Feel for hard mammary glands and observe the behaviour of the sow


Newborn piglet found in due time


Failure to detect a bad farrowing course


5.2 对母猪而言,分娩管理不足意味着:

For The Sow, Inadequate Supervision During Farrowing Means That :

1. 非正常分娩没有被发现。

A poor farrowing course is not recognized.

2. 母猪很虚弱,产后泌乳困难。

The sow is weakened and will have difficulty starting the subsequent lactation.

5.3 对仔猪而言,分娩管理不足意味着:

For The Piglets, Inadequate Supervision During Farrowing Means That :

体质较弱的仔猪会由于没有吃到初乳,受冷 而死亡。

Weak piglets die as they get no colostrum and are cold


5.4 补充说明

Additional Comments - Supervision Of Farrowing

在分娩前一到两天,母猪的阴道肿胀并且泛红, 与此同时,母猪的奶头可能会分泌清亮的乳汁。 在分娩前 12 个小时内,母猪的奶头可以挤出初乳, 可以清楚的看到阴道流出清亮的粘液。

One to two days prior to farrowing, the sow’s vagina swells and becomes red. It is also possible to milk clear liquid from the teats. When farrowing is approx. 12 hours away, colostrum can be milked from the teats, and clear mucus is observed in the vagina.

如果一个小时内没有再产下仔猪,评估这窝的产 仔数是否比预期的少。与此同时,如果胎盘很 少,或者母猪焦躁不安,就要实施人工助产(参 见6-人工助产)。助产会使母猪受到应激,导致 子宫阵缩变弱,从而分娩延长,因此,只对有问 题的母猪实施人工助产。

If no piglets have been born within the last hour, assess whether the litter is smaller than expected. If, at the same time, if only few placentas are observed or the sow is restless, perform obstetric aid (see 6 - Obstetric aid). Obstetric aid stresses the sow, and contractions will often be weak for the following hour, which delays farrowing. Therefore, only perform obstetric aid when a problem is suspected.

在母猪卡上记录检查时的仔猪数。下次检查的时 候,看是否又新产下了仔猪。如果有必要的话,记 录每次检查的时间。

On the sow card, write the number of piglets at the time of inspection. At the next inspection, check if more piglets have been born. If necessary, note the time for each inspection.


Use, for instance, an F disc.

前4头仔猪分娩时间间隔最长不超过2小时,之后 2头仔猪的分娩间隔不能超过1小时。如果再次观 察时只看见身体干燥的仔猪,意味着过去一小时 内母猪未产仔。正常的分娩过程大约持续4-5小 时。这意味着,如果窝产仔数很低,仔猪分娩的 时间间隔会很长;如果窝产仔数很高,仔猪分娩 的时间间隔会很短。一般来说,仔猪分娩的时间 间隔为20分钟,但是有的时候也会停滞达一个小 时。停滞这么长的时间一般是由于母猪分娩停 止,在这个时候应该实施人工助产,否则死胎数 会增加。如果在分娩中总是出现死胎,建议增加 夜间巡视。如果分娩停止,可将母猪赶到通道内 适当运动。

There must be no more than two hours between the first 4 piglets, and max. 1 hour between the next. If only dry piglets are observed at the inspection, the sow has not delivered piglets for the last hour. A normal farrowing course lasts approx. 4 - 5 hours. This means that when litter size is low, a long time passes between the piglets, while at a high litter size, little time passes between the piglets. Generally, 20 minutes pass between the piglets, but there may be pauses of up to an hour. Pauses that long are often caused by the farrowing having stopped, and obstetric aid should be performed as the risk of stillborn piglets will otherwise increase. If many stillborn piglets are generally observed, night supervision is recommended. If farrowing stops, exercise the sow in the inspection alley.

体质虚弱的仔猪是很难找到乳头的,需确保它们 吃到初乳。如果有必要的话,将仔猪置于保温灯 下或恒温箱内保温。冷和饿会破坏新生仔猪的肠 道粘膜。可通过两种方式确保仔猪吃到初乳,一 是辅助仔猪吃到初乳,一是用储存的初乳进行饲 喂(参见下面5.5)。

It is difficult for small and weak piglets to get to the udder. They must be assured of colostrum. If necessary, warm them under the heat lamp or in an incubator. Cold and hunger destroys the intestinal surface of newborn piglets. Colostrum is ensured by expressing colostrum into the mouth of the piglet or by having a colostrum bank (see below).

当母猪停止分娩的时候,判断分娩是否结束或者 是否还有胎儿。如果母猪很安静,开始照顾仔 猪,开始采食,身后有许多的胎盘(一头仔猪有 一个),那么就可以判断母猪分娩已完成。如果 不确定,可以进行人工助产(参6 -人工助产)。

When the sow is no longer delivering piglets, assess whether farrowing is complete or whether there may still be foetuses inside the sow. If the sow is calm and tends to the piglets, is eating and there are many foetal membranes behind the sow (one per piglet), the sow has finished. If in doubt, provide obstetric aid (see 6 - Obstetric aid).

分娩对于母猪而言是艰巨的工作,如果母猪在分 娩后生病,必须及时进行治疗,以确保母猪和仔 猪都能存活(参见15-母猪的疾病及治疗)。

Farrowing is hard on the sow. If the sow is sick after farrowing, it must be treated to ensure that the sow and piglets will survive (see 15 - Disease and treatment of sows).

5.5 给弱小的仔猪喂食初乳:

Expressing Colostrum For Weak Piglets:

1. 将初乳挤到仔猪的嘴里。

You can express the milk into the mouth of the piglet.

2. 选择一头正在分娩或者刚分娩完的非常安静 的母猪,像给奶牛挤奶一样,采集初乳。

You can express the milk into a cup. Pick a calm sow that is farrowing or has just farrowed. Use your hand as you would when milking a cow by hand.





Obstetric Aid Ensures Prompt Intervention, Which Saves Both The Sow, The Piglet Stuck And The Piglets Yet To Be Delivered:

1. 只给有需要的母猪进行助产。

Only perform obstetric aid if it is necessary.

2. 用肥皂和温水清洗母猪的外阴部。

Wash the sow’s genital opening with soap and lukewarm water.

3. 助产人员的手臂和母猪之间必须无挡板或其它物 品。避免由于母猪突然躺下而伤害到助产人员。

There must be no pen partition/equipment between your arm and the sow. The sow must not be able to inflict injury to the arm by lying down.

4. 带上手套,在胳膊上涂抹人造润滑剂。

Put on a glove and artificial uterus mucus on the arm.

5. 当仔猪头在前时,抓住仔猪的颈部或下颌部。

Take hold of piglets facing by the neck or lower jaw

6. 当仔猪头在后时,抓住仔猪的后腿。

Take hold of piglets facing away from you – by the hind legs.

7. 慢慢平缓的拉出仔猪。

Pull out the piglets in an even pull.

8. 立刻来回晃动仔猪以清理呼吸道,然后擦干身上 的粘液。

Swing the piglets back and forth once to empty their respiratory tracts, and dry them.

9. 如果母猪是站着的,应该将仔猪放在安全的保温 区。

If the sow is standing, place the piglets in safety in the creep area.

10. 如果母猪是躺着的,将仔猪放在乳房处。

If the sow is lying down, place the piglets by the udder.

11. 掏出所有能触摸到的胎儿。

Pull out all the piglets that can be reached.

12. 人工助产后,母猪需要休息1小时。如果没有新 的仔猪产出,需要对母猪再次进行检查。

Following obstetric aid, the sow needs to rest for an hour. If no more piglets are born, re-examine the sow.


Obstetric aid performed at the right time


Obstetric snare



Examples Of Incorrect Farrowing Courses


No labour

1. 实施人工助产。

Perform obstetric aid.

2. 尽可能掏出能触摸到的仔猪。

Pull out as many piglets as possible.

3. 30分钟后再检查母猪。

Re-examine the sow after 30 minutes.


Piglet is blocking the birth canal

1. 实施人工助产。

Perform obstetric aid.

2. 掏出该仔猪。

Remove the piglet.

3. 让母猪休息一个小时。

Let the sow rest for an hour.


Piglet is lying in incorrect position

1. 实施人工助产。

Perform obstetric aid.

2. 向里面推动仔猪。

Push the piglet inwards.

3. 抓住仔猪的头或者后腿并向外拉。

Take hold of the piglet’s head or hind legs and pull out the piglet.

4. 让母猪休息一个小时。

Let the sow rest for an hour.


Inadequate farrowing course - obstetric aid should have been provided


6.3 补充说明

Additional Comments - Obstetric Aid

只有在必要的时候才实施人工助产。(参见5-分 娩管理)

Only perform obstetric aid if it is believed to be necessary (see 5 - Supervision of farrowing).

在人工助产的时候,子宫黏膜易被损伤,容易引 起细菌感染。经历助产的母猪,后来患子宫炎的 几率会大大增加,这不仅会影响到母猪的健康, 还会影响到母猪的产奶量和繁殖性能,因此,良 好的卫生条件对母猪的健康很必要。

Obstetric aid damages the uterus mucosa and introduces bacteria into the uterus. Sows receiving obstetric aid have an increased risk of subsequently contracting metritis, which will affect the sow’s well-being, milk yield and fertility. A high level of hygiene is therefore essential to the health of the sow.

用微温的肥皂水清洗母猪的外阴,以避免粪便进 入子宫。

Wash the sow’s genital opening with soap and lukewarm water to avoid introducing faeces into the uterus.

在母猪站着的情况下,如果工作人员穿过产床的 限位栏架将胳膊伸入母猪的阴道,此时若母猪突 然躺下,胳膊可能会受伤。

If the sow is standing up, and you lead your arm across the pen partition and into the vagina, you may hurt your arm if the sow suddenly lies down.

戴上手套进行操作,这样可以避免助产人员对子 宫液过敏。在胳膊上涂抹润滑剂,这可避免子宫 黏膜损伤及发炎,同时也降低了患子宫炎的风 险。用另一只手处理产出的仔猪。如果手套碰到 产道或新生仔猪之外的东西,要立即更换手套。

Wear a glove to avoid allergic reactions to uterus fluid. Artificial uterus mucus protects the uterus mucosa against injury so it does not swell. This also reduces the risk of metritis. Use the other hand for handling the piglets that have been delivered. Change gloves if the glove touches anything other than the birth canal and the newborn piglets.

如果胎儿头在前,抓住胎儿的脖子往外拉;如果 很困难,则抓住胎儿的下颚往外拉;如果还不成 功,则用中指和无名指握住胎儿。如果实在不 行,则辅以助产工具(参见下文6.4)。

Take hold of piglets facing you by their neck. If this is not possible, take hold of the lower jaw of the piglets. If this is also impossible, take the middle finger and ring finger. Use a tool if this is impossible (see below).

如果胎儿头在后,握住胎儿后腿膝关节上方往外 拉。抓住胎儿的后腿,抓握时,将后腿卡在食指 和中指及中指和无名指之间。

Take hold of piglets facing away from you around their hind legs above the hollow of the knee. Take hold of the legs between the index finger and middle finger and between the middle finger and ring finger to have a leg between two fingers.

在轻轻的平缓的拉出仔猪时,需很好的控制力 道,否则可能会弄伤母猪。

Pull the piglets out in an even pull to be in control of how much force is used otherwise the sow might get hurt.

助产生下的仔猪肺中经常有粘液。抓住仔猪后 腿,来回晃动以清除粘液。用没有戴手套的手协助。

Piglets born during obstetric aid often have mucus in their lungs. Take hold of the piglet by its hind legs and swing it back and forth once to clear out the mucus. Use the ungloved hand for obstetric aid.

助产生下的仔猪通常都比较虚弱。如果母猪是站 着的,当她躺下时有可能会压到仔猪,因此将仔 猪置于保温区更安全。

Piglets born during obstetric aid are often weak. If the sow is standing, there is a risk that it will lie down on the piglets. It is therefore better if the piglets are placed in the creep area where they are warm and safe.

如果母猪是躺着的,将仔猪放在母猪的乳房处。 如果有必要的话,对仔猪的位置进行调整,使得 每头仔猪都能有一个乳头。

If the sow is lying down, place the piglet you pulled out by the sow’s udder. Move litter mates so that the piglet can get to a teat.

当掏出所有能触摸到的胎儿时,助产就结束了。 对家畜而言,若将胎盘拽出会增大其患子宫炎的 几率。

Obstetric aid is complete when all the piglets that could be reached are pulled out. In cattle, the risk of metritis increases if the placenta is pulled out.

助产会使母猪遭遇应激。助产会导致在产后的一 个小时子宫收缩停止。一小时后检查已经助产过 的母猪。如果仍然感觉母猪体内还有仔猪,但是 无法触碰到,那么需要在30分钟后再次助产。

Obstetric aid will stress the sow, which causes the contractions to stop for the next hour. Examine the sow an hour after having performed obstetric aid. If piglets are felt inside the sow that cannot be to reached, examine the sow once more 30 minutes later.

6.4 工具:在助产的过程中不能很好的抓牢仔猪。因此,应该在产房随时准备好干净的助产工具。具体操作如下:

Tools: It May Be Impossible To Get A Proper Hold Of A Piglet During Obstetric Aid. Therefore, Always Have A Clean Tool Ready For Obstetric Aid In The Farrowing Facility:

1. 助产绳是由一根管子和一根绳组成。这根管子可以引导绳找到胎儿,用绳套住胎儿的头部、下颌或者后腿,拉紧,这样就可以很好的抓牢胎儿。

An obstetric snare is a pipe with a string. The pipe leads the string to the piglet. Place the string behind the piglet’s head, lower jaw or around the hind legs to have a good hold of the piglet.

2. 可以买一双带有助产绳的手套。这样易于套住胎儿,并将其拉出。

Buy a pair of gloves with a string welded to the fingers of the gloves. It is thereby easy to place the string around the piglet and pull it out.

