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1. Writing an objective.   1. 写求职目标   Pro: Those in favor of including an objective at the top of your resume say it tells the hiring manager what the candidate is looking for, which is most helpful if you"re seeking an entry-level position. Placing someone with little-to-no work experience is a difficult task, because you can"t tell where they would be most helpful and productive. This is where objectives can help.   正面观点:那些赞成在简历上方写求职目标的人说这样会告诉招聘经理求职者想要的是什么,这是对应聘初级职位的人是最有帮助的。给某个有很少甚至没有工作经验的人安排工作是一项艰巨的任务,因为你不知道他在哪个岗位上工作最有帮助并且有成效。这就是写求职目标可以帮着解决的事。   Con: Those who are against the objective say the short statement could pigeon-hole you if you have a few years of experience, since your skills can lead to jobs you aren"t even aware of.   反面观点:那些反对写求职目标的人认为如果你已经有几年的经验,简短的求职声明会适得其反,因为你的技能会导致你去做之前想都没想过的工作。   2. The one-page resume.   2. 简历控制在一页纸的篇幅   Pro: Most recruiters will agree on a resume length of one page, especially since recruiters are only going to spend an average of six seconds scanning your resume. The longer your resume is, the more difficult it will be for recruiters to scan it.   正面观点:大部分招聘人员将同意简历的内容控制在一页纸,尤其是招聘官平均只花6秒看你的简历。简历越长,招聘人员浏览就越困难。   Con: On the other hand, having a longer resume could be acceptable if it"s "in-depth and warranted.These days if a resume is more than one page, it won’t matter as much as it once did given most are viewed on a computer where pages are less of an issue.   反面观点:另一方面,如果简历写的“深入且理由充分”,那篇幅长一些是可以的。近些日子如果简历超过一页纸,负面影响也不像以前那么多,因为简历如今都是机器筛选,页数并不算大问题了。   3. Revealing gaps in employment.   3. 写上就业空白期   Pro:You should include these gaps on your resume because they will likely be revealed at some point during the interview process. The recruiters tell us the best way to do this is by including the reason for the gaps in brackets next to the dates of employment on your resume.   正面观点:你在简历中应该包括这些空白期,因为它们可能会在面试的某个时候被问到。招聘人员告诉我们最好的解决办法是在简历上雇佣日期旁的括号里写上原因。   Con: If you were unemployed for a period of time and don"t want to call attention to it, experts advise using only years instead of months when detailing dates of employment at specific companies. This will make it more difficult for hiring managers to detect gaps in your work history.   反面观点:如果你失业了一段时间而且不想让人知道,专家建议在写公司的在职日期时,只写年份不写月份。这将让招聘经理更难发现你的工作空窗期。   4. Eliminating experience older than 15 years.   4. 不写超过15年的经历   Pro: You should leave out any experience older than 15 years because chances are it won"t be relevant or interesting to the hiring manager.   正面观点:你应该不写任何超过15年的经历,因为招聘经理可能觉得经历不相关或对它们不感兴趣。   Con: However, you should include more than 15 years of work experience if it"s relevant because you don"t want the hiring manager thinking that you misrepresented yourself when you finally do meet.   反面观点:不过,如果是相关的,你应该写15年以上的工作经历,因为你不希望当确实符合工作要求时招聘经理认为你不适合。   5. Including your hobbies.   5. 写上爱好   Pro: Recruiters aren"t completely sure whether it"s a good idea to include hobbies or not, but you can include them if you tailor the skills you acquired while participating in the hobby to the job position you"re applying for.   正面观点:招聘人员还没有完全确定在简历里写爱好是否是个好主意,但是你可以在写爱好的同时把你学到的技能和申请的职位对应。   Con: Whatever you decide to include, don"t let it take away from the core message of the resume, which is what have you done and what you can do for the employer.   反面观点:不管你决定写什么爱好,不要让它偏离简历的核心信息:你做了什么以及你能为雇主做什么。
